Competition in the Eastern Region

Racing is the opportunity to put into practice all you have learnt, and perfected in training. It has equal measure of excitement and heartbreak, and is not for the faint of heart.
Meets are currently being planned on the Regional Circuit in Kingston on October 27th and in Markham on November 16th.
On the Provincial Circuit, meets are being planned in Kingston on October 26, in Belleville on November 17, in London on December 7 and 8, in Ottawa on January 26, 2025, in Toronto on February 16 and in Gloucester on February 22, 2025.
This season the plan, once again, is to have three distinct racing circuits in Ontario.
A regional racing program for those skaters aged 4 to 8. A provincial circuit for those skaters aged 9 to 12 and an elite circuit for skaters aged 13 to 29.
Skaters that do not meet the time standards for the elite circuit or who decline to race in the elite circuit will be eligible to race in the provincial circuit.
There is also a province wide racing circuit for skaters aged 30+ and senior skaters aged 19-29 who opt to race with the Masters. These meets are run in conjunction with Provincial circuit meets.

If you are interested and want to race in any or all of the short track events here in the Eastern Region this season, or on the long track, please speak to your coach, or stop by the equipment room at the arena.